Pretend it’s not There casts players as a young student who senses an ominous presence shadowing them on their walk home from school. Despite attempts to dismiss it, the unsettling feeling intensifies until the undeniable truth hits as the front door shuts: the entity has entered the home. The game plunges players into a night of tension and psychological horror, where the normalcy of home becomes a playground for fear.
Inside the game, the challenge is to maintain a semblance of normality. Players must navigate through their evening routine while consciously ignoring the menacing figure that maneuvers silently around them. The more you disregard its presence, the more intense the game becomes. This mechanic of forced ignorance drives the core gameplay, creating a chilling atmosphere where the mundane tasks of home life are juxtaposed with the constant threat lurking just in the periphery of your vision.
With a playtime ranging from 10 to 20 minutes, Pretend it’s not There is a condensed experience of acute stress and strategy. Players use basic controls (W/A/S/D to move, left click to interact, and right click to drop items) to interact with their environment. Each action must be considered carefully, as normal activities like grabbing a snack or throwing away trash can either provoke or appease the entity. Players must strategize the best ways to keep the peace, simulating a terrifying night where ignoring the horror might just be the only way to survive.