Mouthwashing is a first-person horror game that takes players aboard a doomed space freighter, where the crew faces the grim aftermath of a catastrophic failure. The story revolves around Captain Kerli, whose shocking actions lead to a desperate survival scenario for him and his crew. Stranded in space with no hope for rescue, the crew must contend with the betrayal of their once-trusted captain, now severely incapacitated and at their mercy. The game explores the psychological and physical breakdown of the crew as they grapple with dwindling supplies and the looming specter of death.
Immerse yourself in the psychological depth of Mouthwashing, where you monitor the crew’s descent into madness. Isolated and starving, the crew begins to turn on each other, embodying the darkest aspects of human nature. The game masterfully uses the cramped, claustrophobic environment of the space freighter to amplify feelings of paranoia and despair. Players will navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, making choices that influence the crew’s fate and their own survival.
With the ship’s life-support systems critically damaged, survival becomes a counting game against time and dwindling resources. Mouthwashing enhances the horror experience by intertwining the crew’s survival mechanics with intense psychological terror. The environment is rich with visual and auditory hallucinations that challenge the player’s perception of reality, making every shadow and sound a potential threat. This brutal narrative pushes players to the edge, forcing them to decide between holding onto humanity or embracing the savagery needed to survive.